Time for Rockets 2016! Here’s the scoop…
Central Texas/Willow City launch dates: May 12, 2016 –May 15, 2016
Southeast Texas/Lake Jackson launch dates: May 21, 2016–May 22, 2016
[Not accessible to public]
Schedule of Launches (Excel File download)
Students from 40 Texas high schools will launch 80 rockets over four days as part of Rockets2016, held May 12-15, at Stewart’s Hillview Ranch, located north of Fredericksburg off the Willow City Loop
The four-day event is the culmination of the SystemsGo Aeroscience program, now offered in 50 high schools across the state. The student teams design and build 8-foot tall models that will go up from one of six launch towers. First-year students attempt to send a one-pound payload one mile high. Second-generation projects send rockets past the speed of sound.
Plans call for rockets to launch between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Food and restroom facilities will be available. Direction signs will be posted. Maps to the site, launch schedule, and complete listings of activities are online at www.systemsgo.org.
Admission is free, but anyone attending is required to register in advance by going to www.systemsgo.org. Registration is also available at the gate. The area is considered an experimental testing range. Schedule may vary, mobility will be limited, access will be controlled, and visitors need to be aware that this is the first flight of all rockets.
More information, registration, and links to livestreaming are at www.systemsgo.org info@systemsgo.org, 830-997-3567.
The SystemsGo Aeroscience program started in Fredericksburg High School in 1996 under the direction of teacher Brett Williams. Williams had students build and launch rockets as a way to develop skills and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The program has been featured on NBC Nightly News, is endorsed by NASA and certified by The Space Foundation.