(830) 997-3567 info@systemsgo.org

Start a Program

For information on starting a SystemsGo program at your school, download this 2-page flyer.
Give us a call at 830-997-3567 or email info@systemsgo.org for more information and to discuss tailoring the program to meet your district’s needs.


Flyer SystemsGo

Click to download 2-page pdf



Find out how to start the SystemsGo program in YOUR school!

We provide fully articulated engineering curriculum, teacher training, classroom support, launch support, and act as your source for small rocket supplies and hybrid motor systems.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call the office at (830) 997-3567 or send an email to info@systemsgo.org.

We look forward to you becoming a part of the SystemsGo family!​