For Release: April 8, 2024–The public is invited to watch as students from 18 high schools gather near Fredericksburg and Stonewall, Texas, on May 2-4 to launch 60 rockets they designed and built for the SystemsGo STEM education program.
Schools launching include Fredericksburg, Buinger CTE, Brazoswood, Union Grove, Kingwood, Harleton, Victoria East, Hamilton, Georgetown, Gary, Roosevelt, Odyssey Academy, Johnson, Fabens, Atascocita, London, Alamo Heights, and Canon City, Colorado.
Launches follow no fixed schedule. Rockets will go up during all daylight hours, in the order they are certified prepared for launch and recovery.
The public is admitted free, but will be required to register in advance and sign a waiver acknowledging that they are entering a test site on undeveloped ranch land with launching of student-built sounding rockets. That link:
Limited facilities and amenities will be available, and traffic access will be controlled to accommodate launch and recovery.
Complete details, ticket links, livestream links, and maps to sites are posted at
All 2024 launch sites are:
Jal, New Mexico–April 23-24
North Texas/Jack County–April 26-27
Central Texas/Stonewall–May 2-4
Southeast Texas/Smith Point–May 9-11
Weather contingency days are the day immediately following the last scheduled launch day at each site.
Launches will be livestreamed. Up-to-date information also available at the following resources:
Web Site:
Facebook: SystemsGoNews
Twitter: SystemsGoNews
Phone: 830-997-3567
Rockets2024 is the annual culminating event for the SystemsGo program, in which high school students design, build, and launch rockets designed to loft a one-pound payload one mile high, or exceed the speed of sound. The program was developed at Fredericksburg High School and is now active in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Abu Dhabi, UAE.